Downing the Lawn

I started thinking and planning this change to the front yard last summer. I wanted to expand the floral parts of the yard and decrease some of the lawn. I knew that it would have to be done in stages. I had planned to work in the shady section first because a small tree has gotten bigger and the grass under the tree struggles. But then, grubs started to eat the lawn between the curb and the kidney shaped flower garden. Because so much grass was already destroyed in this front corner, I started here.

The flowers reseed themselves and were already trying to gain purchase outside of their perimeter (but so had a lot of weeds).

I had to do a little digging, but I had enough cardboard and paper to cover a lot of earth.

It is a relief to have all of this cardboard I’ve been saving leave the house and shed and be put to use!

I then covered the cardboard with soil and then mulch.

It looks much better. Of course, it is still all fresh and weed free. We’ll see how long that lasts. If I can keep the weeds to a minimum, I think the flowers will begin to creep and next year I can sew more seeds from these existing plants.

There is still more to do, of course! But the remaining bare earth will not need the cardboard I don’t think, just more mulch. I am not sure what will be best planted here. If anything. Maybe I’ll just keep the flowers spreading. ?

Anyway, it is good to have that taken care of. This flower bed has gotten quite spectacular and it will be fantastic if it takes over.

Here is a funny little fellow I found today. He was lying on his back and grasped my thumb right away when I went to pick him up. In fact, I had trouble getting him to let me go!

Here’s a little view of part of my back garden which is FULL of perennials. Isn’t it fabulous?

2 responses to “Downing the Lawn”

  1. suemrsmicawber Avatar

    Wow, your back yard looks amazing!

    Hope the flowers spread in front. You’re off to a good start getting that area covered.

    Fingers crossed this comment will post. WordPress hasn’t been letting me log in lately.


  2. suemrsmicawber Avatar

    Hooray, it worked! 🙂


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